




Drunk Driving PSA

For the drinking and driving PSA, I knew I needed a strong, scary element of the ad that would make readers pay attention and take it seriously. So, I chose to place an image of a car crashing into a beer bottle. It was witty, and got my point across. I created multiple layers so I could play with each image individually and make sure it looked cohesive in the design. I used the magnetic lasso on each picture to eliminate the background and incorporate them better into the design. I put the title, “Was the drink really worth it” crooked to insinuate a drunk person’s vision. I also incorporated contrast so the reader would be able to see the text and the message clearly. In accordance with the PSA format, I made sure to put the awareness (car crashing) and stimulate action (“instead of seeing sideways, just hand over the keys) so readers would know the solution to not drinking and driving was to give the keys to a sober person.